
Corresponding Author

kenawy, karam

Document Type

Case Series


OBJECTIVE: This is a retrospective study of the clinical outcome and complications after management for subdural hygroma in children and infants . PATIENTS AND METHODS: We reviewed 22 consecutive patients during the period from June 2017 to October 2021 with subdural hygroma, The authors retrospectively evaluated the causes, preoperative symptoms, and postoperative results for those patients who underwent different management plans for treatment of their hygromas at Sohag university hospitals, Sohag faculty of medicine, Sohag, Egypt. RESULTS: There were 10 boys and 12 girls whose mean age was 6.2 years (range 6 months - 12 years). The main clinical manifestations were: increased head size, epileptic fits, increased intracranial pressure, delayed developmental milestones. Three cases (13.6 %) were managed conservatively, transfontannel tapping was used in 3 cases (13.6 %), burr hole drainage was applied in 5 cases (23%), external drain was used in 2 cases (10%) and subduro-peritoneal shunts were inserted in 9 cases (41%). CONCLUSION: Subduro-peritoneal shunt is an effective management of subdural hygromas and can be applied if conservation and repeated tapping fail to control symptoms.


(Subdural hygroma; extraaxial fluid collection; subdural peritoneal shunt)
