
Corresponding Author

El-Samman, Amr

Document Type

Original Article


Background: RIF-(repeated-implantation-failure) represents a serious difficulty in reproductive-medicine, and although numerous therapeutic approaches can be reported, there is no agreement on which is the most beneficial. Endometrium thickness was identified as a key determinant in the implantation of embryos. The purpose of this randomized controlled trial was to explore the advantages of platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) for thinning endometrial cases owing to its ability to promote endometrial growth and pregnancy outcome. Aim of the study: PRP's involvement in RIF patients undergoing fresh & frozen embryo transfer cycles will be investigated, as well as the rates of implantation, chemical-pregnancy, clinical-pregnancy, and miscarriage. Patients-and-Methods: In this study, 104-women who had at least three failed embryo transfer cycle due to poor endometrial lining were candidates for frozen-thawed and fresh embryo transfer. Two-groups of patients were formed: The study-group-(48 patients) got PRP intrauterine infusion. Control-group who didn’t practiced. When endometrium thickness is about 7mm, embryo-transfer was achieved. Endometrial thickness and clinical results were compared in the two-groups. Results: In the 13th day of the cycle, The Endometrial-Thickness-(mm) were 7.1±0.01 for control and 8.1±0.054 for test-group. The rate of implantation, chemical-pregnancy, clinical-pregnancy and misscarriage% were 34.8, 33.3, 22.9 and 10.4% for control group; and 58.5, 52.1, 45.8 and 6.3% for test group. The Endometrial-Thickness(mm) expanded significantly to 7.23±0.11 and 8.3±0.60 mm in First PRP-infusion and Repeated-PRP-infusion-group, respectively. The PRP group had significantly greater implantation rates and clinical-outcomes. Conclusion: In women who have a history of thin endometrium, PRP may help to improve endometrial development and possibly pregnancy-results.


Platelet rich plasma (PRP); Repeated implantation failure (RIF); Embryo transfer (ET); Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)
