
Corresponding Author

Mohammed, Ahmed

Document Type

Original Article


Background: The effects of cerebellar low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in individuals suffering from essential tremor (ET) are controversial. Aim of The Work: To evaluate repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) can help people with essential tremors. Patients and Methods: This case study involved 30 subjects divided into an active group of 15 ET patients and a sham group of another 15 ET patients who were treated in tertiary care at Al-Hussein and Sayed Galal Hospitals, Al-Azhar University. The Fahn, Tolosa, Marin (FTM) Tremor Rating Scale has been used to evaluate and scale tremors at baseline, as well as a day, one month, two months, and three months following the (sham and active) repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation sessions. Results: The results of this study showed that repeated active rTMS over the cerebellum enhanced total and specific subcores (tremor, drawing, and functional disability).The influence lasted for 3 months following the final session. The sham group's total and specific FTM subcores (tremor, drawing, functional disability) showed no significant differences. Conclusion: For patients suffering from severe essential tremor, cerebellar rTMS can be an effective therapy choice.


Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation; essential tremor; Cerebellum
