
Corresponding Author

Heeba, Ibrahim

Document Type

Original Article


Background: Cesarean section (CS) is one of the most frequent abdominal procedures. A meta-analysis regarding the techniques and materials used for skin closure in CS shows no conclusive evidence about how the skin should be closed with the best outcome. Thus, any modified skin closure technique that could reduce the incidence of wound complications and pain would have a significant impact on the national economic health plans. Objective: The aim was to estimate the outcome of non-suture skin closure method of CS wound as an alternative to usual methods. Patients and methods: This study was a prospective case control study that recruited 100 pregnant women +/- 38 week opting for a caesarean section, at Bab Al-Sharia University Hospital, during the period between January 2021 to June 2021. Results: In the present study the post-operative pain score in steri-strips group was 3.72 ± 1.28 while in subcuticular group was 4.78 ± 1.67 with P =< 0.001, which was highly statistically significant, and it is helps in patients to ambulate faster and get discharged faster than with subcuticular suture. Conclusion: This new non-suture technique (Steri-Strip S closures) can be an alternative or even a better option in regard to suture skin closure, and other methods used during CS, because they can be applied rapidly, are inexpensive, painless, optimize cosmesis, and limit the chance of infection.


Non-Suture Skin Closure Technique; Cesarean Section, Complications
