
Corresponding Author

Algharib, Mohamed

Document Type

Original Article


Background; Caesarean section is a known risk factor for Postpartum hemorrhage5, and the rate of caesarean births is on the rise around the world. The cesarean section is a bloody process; most surgeries lose between 750 and 1000 mL of blood and a postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) occurs when more than 1000 mL of blood is lost. Aim and objectives; is there is difference between carbetocin vs combination of ergometrine and oxytocin in the prophylaxis of (PPH) following cesarean section? Patient and methods; The study had been conducted at Obstetrics and Gynacology department, El-Hussein universal hospital included 200pregnant women All cases were selected from Obstatric and Gynacology department , El-Hussein universal hospital from January 2021 - June 2021. Result; Estimated blood loss in Group (A) was ranged between 532-821 with mean ±S.D. 688.98±58.363 while in Group (B) was ranged between 834-1301 with mean ±S.D. 1026.97±65.379. P Conclusion; Carbetocin has been shown to be effective in preventing atonic post-partum haemorrhage after cesarean section. It has the same potency as I.V. syntocinon and ergometrine combined. In comparison to the mixture of syntocinon and ergometrine, carbetocin alone had fewer maternal side effects such as increased blood pressure, nausea and vomiting. The carbetocin group uses less extra uterotonic medications than the syntocinon and ergometrine group. Compared to syntocinon and ergometrine.


Caesarean section; carbetocin; ergometrine; oxytocin; Postpartum Hemorrhage
