
Corresponding Author

hafez, osama

Document Type

Original Article


Background: Cigarette smoking has been identified as one of the most significant risk factors for incident chronic kidney disease (CKD).Cigarette smoking was associated with an elevated risk of incident CKD/end stage renal disease (CKD) in the adult general population. This association were independent of well-established risk factors for CKD such as age, hypertension, DM and BMI. Objective: To compare between tobacco smoking active and passive effect on the kidney functions in a cross section observational study. Patients and Methods: One Hundred fifty (age and sex matched) patients will be enrolled in a cross section study. The study will be conducted in Nephrology Unit Al-Hussein University Hospital and Air Forces General Hospital. Results: Comparative study between the 3 groups revealed. Spearman's correlation analysis shows that; SBP, DBP, HR and smoking index, had significant negative correlation with eGFR; with significant statistical difference (p < 0.01 respectively). By using ROC-curve analysis, Smoking index at a cutoff point (>291) predicted patients with CKD, with good (83%) accuracy, sensitivity= 73% and specificity= 100% (p < 0.01). Conclusion: Our study found that smoking, particularly heavy smoking (> 30 pack/year), is an important risk factor to the development of CKD. The association was strongest for CKD classified as hypertension and diabetic nephropathy. These results raise the importance of smoking cessation to decrease the incidence of CKD and other preventable diseases as COPD;coronary artery diseases;and cancers.


Keywords: Chronic kidney disease; End Stage Renal Disease; Chronic vascular disease; Body Mass Index; Diabetes mellitus
