
Corresponding Author

Mousa, Moataz

Document Type

Original Article


Background: infection with hepatitis c poses a global health problem that affect 200 million chronically infected patients globally. infected patients with hepatitis c virus (HCV)run high risk of developing fibrosis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Objective: To evaluate the occurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in DAA-treated patients with chronic hepatits c (CHC) . Patients and methods: The study included 500 DAAS-treated patients who had chronic viral hepatitis c .we carried out This retrospective study was conducted at Al-Azhar University,department of internal medicine and Hepatology Unit, Ahmed Maher Teaching Hospital. The protocol to the research was accepted by both both centers‘ local ethical committee. Results: The end of treatment regarding the basic data revealed that HCC patients were significantly older. In spite of the fact that HCC patients in the present study comprised higher frequency of males, the difference between those patients and patients without HCC fell short of statistical significance. In our study, all patients with elevated AFP ate the end of treatment developed HCC. Conclusion: In relation to the various demographic, clinical and laboratory data, hepatocellular carcinoma patients were found to be significantly older when compared with other patients. All chronic hepatitis C patients with elevated alpha-fetoprotein at the end of treatment developed hepatocellular carcinoma. Keywords: HCV, HCC, CHC, DAAs


