
Document Type

Original Article


Background: Most peripheral artery disorders of the lower extremities are caused by femoropopliteal atherosclerotic disease. Femoropopliteal bypass surgery is the first-line revascularization method suggested for TASC-D SFA occlusions. Nonetheless, substantial success rates with endovascular therapy (EVT) in TASC D lesions are made possible by recent advancements in endovascular technology. Aim of the study: To assess the safety and efficacy of the retrograde popliteal artery approach as a first line of treatment for recanalization of proximal popliteal artery lesions and superficial femoral artery occlusive lesions in patients with critical lower limb ischemia. Patients and methods: This study is prospective and was carried out from January 2020 to January 2022 on sixty patients who presented to Military Armed Forces Hospitals and Al-Azhar University Hospitals. Result: Patients with proximal lesions of the SFA without a stump, significant obesity, and common femoral artery stenosis or blockage were found to benefit most from the RPA approach. Conclusion: Our results demonstrate that recanalization of SFA complete blockage with proximal PA lesion can be achieved safely and effectively using the US guided retrograde popliteal artery (RPA) endovascular method. We propose that, in endovascular treatment of SFA CTO with proximal PA lesion, US guided RPA access can be employed as a first choice, not just in situations where the antegrade strategy failed.


Retrograde Popliteal Artery; peripheral Arterial Angioplasty; Popliteal Artery; Occlusive Lesions.

Subject Area

General Surgery
