
Document Type

Original Article


Background: The rising prevalence of osteoporosis among the elderly has been associated with an increase in trochanteric fractures. Intramedullary devices like proximal femoral nail and proximal anatomic femur plates are used for the management of Intertrochanteric femur fractures. However, there is still a lot of research to be done to determine which implant is best for treating these fractures with the fewest possible side effects. Aim and objectives: with the purpose of evaluating the efficacy of different therapies for fractures of the trochanteric region of the femur by proximal femoral nail versus proximal Trochantric femur plate. Subjects and methods: This is a prospective research was conducted between trauma patients (30) with unstable intertrochanteric fractures who were admitted to aLhussien hospital (al azhar University). Patients were managed in a random manner either with proximal femoral nail (Group 1) or Proximal Femoral Plate (Group 2). The median follow up was 10 months range from 7 months and 12 months, the end point of follow up was at least for 6 months or till union. Results: Both groups showed significant differences as regard HHS, Mobility score and Length of follow-up months. Conclusion: In this study, researchers looked at how well the proximal locking plate and proximal femoral nail worked for unstable patients (Boyd & Griffon type II & IV). Surgical time, blood loss, union time, and postoperative problems were all shown to be shorter with PFN than with PFLCP. It is crucial to fully understand PFN and be familiar with its concept, characteristics, and method of application. These findings suggest that PFNA is superior to other internal fixation methods for stabilizing unstable intertrochanteric femoral fractures.


Intertrochanteric fracture; Proximal femoral Nail; proximal femoral locking plate.

Subject Area

