
Document Type

Original Article


Background: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is considered a chronic inflammatory disease which has two main forms: Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. IBDU (unspecified) is used when a sure diagnosis of CD or UC cannot be made. Over time, most patients with IBDU (unspecified) will be assigned a definitive diagnosis of UC or CD. 1 This study aimed to study the role of intestinal ultrasound in comparison to CT enterography and colonoscopy in detecting bowel wall thickness as assessment tool for activity in IBD. Patients and methods: We conducted a comparative study in Al-Azhar university hospitals of previously diagnosed 70 IBD patients divided into 2 groups. Group A (30 patients with Crohn’s disease) and group B (40 patients with ulcerative colitis) in addition to positive clinical picture and laboratory data of activity. Group (A) underwent intestinal ultrasound (IUS), CT enterography and colonoscopy while group (B) did IUS and colonoscopy. statistical analysis and correlation were done. Results: In group A (Crohn’s cases) There was positive correlation between bowel wall thickness (BWT) and the following: ESR, CRP, fecal calprotectin and Crohn’s disease activity index as (r) correlation coefficient = 0.55, 0.57, 0.45 and 0.31 respectively) and p value < 0.05. In group B (UC cases) Positive relation was noticed between BWT, ESR, CRP, fecal calprotectin and mayo’s score activity index as r =0.55, 0.57,0.45 and 0.31 respectively and p value below 0.05. 24 cases with Crohn’s activity were detected by IUS from 30 cases detected by colonoscopy with overall sensitivity is 80 % while in UC group 29 cases were detected by IUS from 40 cases by colonoscopy with sensitivity of 73 %. Conclusion: Using IUS by well-trained gastroenterologists is an add on parameter for diagnosis of IBD activity.


intestinal ultrasound, Bowel wall thickness, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

Subject Area

Internal Medicine
