
Document Type

Original Article


Background; The most prevalent major operation worldwide, the caesarean section, is linked to a risk of surgical-site infection. Skin closure is an essential CS stage. Uncertainty exists over the best suture material to use for subcuticular skin closure after cesarean. Prolene, Vicryl, and Monocryl. Aim, objectives; to correlate cesarean sections wound complications especially infection and sutures types used. Subject, method; The study will be conducted on 600 patients will delivered by cesarean section at full term through Pfannenstiel incision and skin closure will be subcuticular in all cases follow up period will b 6 weeks from delivery and they will be divided into three groups: Group A: include 200 cases, skin closure after CS using 2/0 prolene sutures. Group B: include 200 cases, skin closure using 2/0 vicryl Group C: include 200 cases, skin closure using 2/0 monocryl. Results: A statistically substantial variation existed between groups as regard to edema, infection, ecchymosis, seroma, hematoma, dehescience and reclosure moreover, presence significant difference between groups regarding to age, BMI, abortion, gravidity, hb, iching, hypertrophicscars, and previous ceserian. Conclusion: Subcuticular skin closure with prolene sutures show the lowest rate of wound complication than vicryl and monocryl.


suture materials, wound infection, vicryl, monocryl, cesarean section.

Subject Area

Obstetrics and Gynecology
