
Document Type

Original Article


Background: Missed abortions may be treated with a number of medicinal and surgical procedures. Surgical methods include vacuum aspiration and dilatation and curettage. Letrozole, aromatase inhibitor, binds to iron in P450 cytochrome in reversible & competitive manner, preventing aromatase from producing oestrogen. Aim: To compare impact of using letrozole before misoprostol in 1st trimester termination of non-viable pregnancy to use of misoprostol alone. Subject & techniques: This was prospective randomized clinical trial include 100 patients with history of missed abortion confirmed by ultrasonography at Al-Hussein Hospital & Al-Azhar University Cairo. Results: Curettage was significantly increased in group 1 compared with group 2. The interval of hospitalization and Duration of vaginal bleeding were significantly increased in group 1compared with group 2. There was no substantial variation between the two study groups as regard Complication occurrence after operation, Post-operative Hb, Pregnancy remnants, Gestational Age and pre-operative hemoglobin, Previous medical and Surgical History. Conclusion: Letrozole may boost the success percentage of misoprostol-induced complete abortions in the first trimester of pregnancy without increasing adverse effects.


Letrozole, Misoprostol, Misoprostol, Abortion

Subject Area

Obstetrics and Gynecology
