
Document Type

Original Article


Background: COVID-19 is a worldwide pandemic of concern. Frequent symptoms include fever and respiratory problems. Recent investigations have also identified dermatological manifestations as extrapulmonary symptoms. This includes telogen effluvium, which is associated with post-COVID-19 comorbidities. Aim and objectives: to draw attention to the common occurrence of telogen effluvium in Egyptian women who have viral infections after COVID 19. Subjects and methods: 500 female patients with COVID-19 virus infections from a few weeks to months prior were the subject of this investigation. The following procedures were applied to all patients: full general examination, complete history taking, clinical scalp and hair examination, including the hair pull test and part width test, and trichoscopic inspection. Result: Hospitalized for COVID19 and telogen effluvium differed statistically significantly (P = 0.001). Conclusion: Lower hair density, empty hair follicles, and/or short regrowing hair were early symptoms of after-COVID-19-caused acute TE. The results do not establish that COVID-19 is the only cause of acute TE; nevertheless, they do highlight the need to consider the COVID-19 pandemic when assessing patients who present with hair loss and a history of COVID-19 infection. Although acute TE doesn't often last long, it can have a significant influence on a person's mental health if they've previously been incapacitated by the COVID-19 sickness.


COVID-19; Hair lose; Telogen effluvium
