
Document Type

Original Article


Background: Migraine is the 2nd most prevalent neurological disease in the world. Women are approximately 3 times more likely than men to have migraine.

Aim To evaluate possible role of aspirin as a prophylactic treatment in patient with migraine

Patients and Methods: In this prospective study sixty seven patients presented by migraine with and without aura. All patients were subjected to both HURT and MIDAS questionnaire before the treatment and .after the first, second and third month of treatment.

Results: Sixty seven participants (31 male and 36 female).Their age ranged from 25-60 years old, divided into 3 groups received placebo, aspirin 325mg and 100 mg, (in group A, B and C respectively). There is a reduction in frequency, duration, intensity and improvement of aura frequency in group B at the second and third month during the follow up. There is a statistical significant differences in mean and standard deviation of HURT and MIDAS questionnaire in group B than group C with no statistical significant differences in group A at second and third month during the follow up.

Conclusion: Aspirin can reduce the frequency of migraines with 325 mg than 100 mg dosage of aspirin.


aspirin, migraine, HURT and MIDAS.

Subject Area

