
Document Type

Original Article


Background: The intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD) can be placed at a caesarean section (CS) for the first time in a woman's life. If the IUD is safe and effective for CS scars, they may use it as a long-acting reversible contraception. Objectives: to evaluate CS intraoperative intrauterine IUD implantation. Subjects and methods: The Al-Azhar University Faculty of Medicine's Obstetrics & Gynecology Department conducted a randomised controlled experiment on 40 women. Results: Our population had 5.2% significant bleeding, displacement, and infection and 12.8% discontinuation. 0% failed. After 2 months, 87.2% of patients were satisfied. Conclusion: Tubal ligation and immediate postplacental implantation of an intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD) are both alternatives after a caesarean birth. IUCDs may have advantages. IUCDs are as successful as tubal ligation but can be reversed. Intraoperative intrauterine IUD insertion after caesarean delivery requires bigger sample sizes to determine success.


Intrauterine Device; Post-Placental Insertion; Cesarean Section

Subject Area

Obstetrics and Gynecology
