
Document Type

Original Article


Background: Various degree of gynaecomastia with excessive ptosis, nipple malposition, overstretched skin, poorly defined infra-mammary fold, and prominent axillary and lat chest rolls, male chest deformity following significant weight loss is complicated and difficult to treat, so correction methods should allow for the technically correct removal of extra tissue without jeopardizing the blood and nerve supply to the nipple-areola complex. Aim of the work: To ascertain whether J torsoplasty with boomerang excision pattern correction of gynecomastia will result in well-hidden scars and adequate male chest contouring. Patients and methods: The study included 15 patients of bilateral gynecomastia with lateral chest roll redundancy following a drastic weight loss. To remove the excess skin in both the horizontal and vertical directions, J torsoplasty and the boomerang pattern were combined for treatment of all patients. Every patient underwent a standard preoperative evaluation and examination. Results: All 15 boomerangs with J torsoplasty showed satisfactory improvement, major Complications were limited and only hematoma seen in one patient. partial nipple areolar complex necrosis in form of (superficial epidermolysis) in another patient, asymmetric scar in two patients cases. Scar maturation with time improved the result and the patients were very satisfied . Conclusion: In cases of severe gynecomastia following significant weight loss, boomerang excision pattern correction and a J torsoplasty can be done safely together. This procedure improves postoperative aesthetic results while maintaining the same functional results for the nipple areolar complex when compared to other procedures.


male breast; chest landmarks; massive weight loss; gynecomastia; boomerang; J torsoplasty

Subject Area

Plastic surgery
