
Document Type

Original Article


Background: An incisional hernia is a common issue that arises after a midline laparotomy. The prevalence rate may be as high as 70% in some high-risk groups.

Aim and objectives: The research was conducted to determine how effective preventive sub lay mesh repair is for reducing the occurrence of midline incisional hernia following laparotomy in clean abdominal procedures.

Subjects and methods: General surgery wards of Al-Azhar University Medical Centers were used for this prospective randomised control trial. Thirty patients receiving midline laparotomy in clean fields participated in this research. One group (the Mesh group) underwent sub-lay closure supported by non-absorbable mesh, whereas the other group (the Control group) received main closure.

Results: In terms of VAS, there is no discernible difference among the 2 groups. The VAS also decreases significantly between 3 and 6 months post-op, in both groups.

We conclude that preventive sub lay mesh-augmented abdominal wall closure following laparotomy in hygienic wounds is not dangerous& beneficial in lowering the incidence of incisional hernia, however this result was not statistically significant. It's possible that the consistency in care provided by having every patient treated by the same surgeon makes the current research more reliable.

Conclusion: Nevertheless, the present study's findings that prophylactic sub lay mesh-augmented abdominal wall closure following laparotomy in clean wounds is secure & beneficial in lowering the incidence of incisional hernia may not be statistically significant due to the small sample size.


Incisional hernia, Eventration, Prevention, Prophylaxis, Prosthesis, Prophylactic mesh.

Subject Area

General Surgery
