
Corresponding Author

ELHaddad, Ahmed

Document Type

Original Article


Background: A prospective study was carried on female patients after total thyroidectomy to assess the need for calcium supplementation after surgery. Aim of work: To assess the need for routine calcium supplementation after total thyroidectomy. Patients and Methods: From 2017 to 2018, a total of 90 female patients with different thyroid disorders were conducted; thyroid cancer or previous neck surgery patients were excluded, neck ultrasound was done. Results: Study shows improvement in the level of serum calcium in the group already on supplementation. On the other hand it shows slight decrease in serum calcium level in the group without supplementation. The statistical analysis showed highly significant relationship between the Ca supplementation and hypocalcemia with P value of less than 0.05 Conclusion: Certain risk factors are associated with post-thyroidectomy hypocalcemia. Total thyroidectomy, thyroiditis and routine non calcium supplementation were found to be the main risk factors of post-thyroidectomy hypocalcemia in the present study.


(Calcium; Thyroidectomy; Hypo-calcemia; Hypo-parathyroidism; suppementation)
