
Corresponding Author

Samak, Amr

Document Type

Original Article


Background: Liver trauma was traditionally treated by laparotomy until a paradigm shift has occurred in the dealing with stable patients. Objective: The aim is to manage the patients with liver trauma according to grade of trauma and assess the outcome. Methods: From January 2013 to January 2014, the study was conducted prospectively at the emergency departments of Shebin Elkom Teaching hospital and National Liver Institute on liver trauma patients. After initial evaluation and resuscitation, stable patients were treated by conservative measures while unstable patients were treated operatively. Postoperative and Follow-up data were then recorded. Results: Stable group had lower grade of injury. Blood transfusion, ICU admission and presence of co-injuries were higher in the unstable group. The grade of injury affects the type of management. Conclusion: The grade of injury can be a factor with the vital status in determining the appropriate method of management of liver injury.


Liver Trauma; Grading of liver trauma; Conservative management of liver trauma; Operative management of liver trauma
