
Corresponding Author

Abd El-Halim, Yassin

Document Type

Original Article


Background: Every year, 140 000 women are estimated to die of postpartum hemorrhage. Placenta accreta has since become a statistically relevant etiology for maternal morbidity and mortality. There has been a 10-fold increase in the occurrence of placenta accreta since 1970, due to the rising rate of cesarean delivery. Objective: This work aims to determine the occurrence and complications of placenta accreta in instances of prior cesarean sections with placenta previa anterior and outcome of management of these complications at Al Hussein University Hospital. Patients and Methods: The study is a prospective cohort study including all cases admitted to Al Hussein university Hospital diagnosed as placenta previa anterior plus one or more previous cesarean sections during the period from January 2020 to June 2020. The number of cases was 64 cases. 40 cases (63%) of them were found as placenta previa accreta. Results: Our findings indicate that the occurrence, risk factors and feto-maternal outcomes of the treatment of patients with placenta accreta at Al Hussein University Maternity Hospital are similar to those of preceding literature. Conclusion: Placenta previa accreta for the diagnosis, particularly anterior placenta accreta, the sensitivity and specificity of color imagery by Doppler was high since abnormal uteroplacental invasion can be identified with a high degree of trust.


Morbid Adherent Placenta; labor outcome; 2D ultrasound; placenta previa anterior
