Al-Azhar International Medical Journal
Al-Azhar International Medical Journal Follow
ISSN: 2682-3381, e-ISSN: 2682-339X
The Faculty of Medicine was established pursuant to Law No. 103 of July 5, 1961AD regarding the reorganization of Al-Azhar and the bodies it includes. Interestingly, Al-Azhar Al-Sharif - is the oldest continuous-existing university in the world since the beginning of the study in Cairo in the year 675 AH. However, the sons of Al-Azhar did not lag behind in studying the natural sciences such as medicine, mathematics, astronomy, chemistry, engineering, and other sciences that Arab and Muslim scholars contributed to.
Nowadays, the Faculty of Medicine has witnessed remarkable development in line with the latest local, regional, and international education systems. Really, three colleges belonging to Al-Azhar emerged from Al-Azhar College of Medicine, one for girls, one in Assiut Governorate, and the third in Damietta Governorate. Many great physicians, scientists, and Academic leaders have been graduates of Al-Azhar Faculty of Medicine.
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