
Corresponding Author

Emad Allam Mohamed

Document Type

Meta Analysis


Background: Hemodialysis (HD) is performed to purify the blood by using diffusion to facilitate solute exchange & water removal over a semipermeable membrane. Using a patient's Renal Kidney Function as a guide, Incremental HD tailors HD to each person's specific needs. Aim and Objectives: to compare the effects of incremental hemodialysis and standard hemodialysis on anemia profile in individuals with end-stage kidney disease, Patients and Methods: Individuals with end-stage renal illness (aged & sexed similarly) participated in this prospective cohort observational research. The research took place over the course of 6 months at Syd Jalal university hospital's Nephrology Unit, and involved fifty individuals split evenly between 2 groups, Results: There was no indication of a statistically significant variance among the groups in the research investigations as regard age, sex, weight, EPO & iron treatment, baseline, one month , two months & three months Kt/V, baseline Hb, one month , two months & three months Hb, baseline TAST, one month , two months, three months & four months TAST, Na and K. The statistical significance level was quite high (p-value < 0.001) increased dialysis vintage, reduced 4 and 5 months Kt/V in group I when contrasted with group II. Conclusion: Incremental HD exerts a better job in maintaining the RKF, hence improving the Anemia profile and response to ESA therapy. By improving the anemia profile we decrease both morbidity and mortality among dialysis patients, also improving the quality of life and exercise tolerance and decreasing cardiovascular complications.


Anemia profile; conventional; incremental; hemodialysis

Subject Area

Internal Medicine
