
Document Type

Original Article


Background: More than one hundred different methods, including excisions, incisions, scoring, and suturing techniques, have been used for the treatment of prominent ears, indicating the lack of a single widely accepted strategy that has been adopted by the majority of surgeons. Aim This study aims to evaluate cartilage excision procedure to create the antihelix in prominent ear correction. Patients and methods: This prospective study utilized 20 cases with prominent ear deformity. The study conducted in the university hospitals, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar university. Ethical approval was obtained from the same institution. Every patient wrote an informed written consent. Results: We found that procedure revealed statistically significant decline of all six Auricular anthropometric measurements used in the study. CS angle, AC angle, upper AC, middle AC, lower AC distance, Conchal depth on follow up of the studied population. Even without conchal reduction and setback in most of cases.our studied patients developed minimalpost-operative complications. Paresthesia was developed in 5% of patients, it resolved after 3 months spontaneously followed by hematoma and sharp antihelix in 5% of patients, hematoma evacuated bedside and compression dressing, sharpness of antihelix was early postoperative and improved after 2 months very well then Pressure ulcer in 5% of patients healed by secondary intention. Lack of symmetry was reported in 10% of cases which was mild. None of our included patients develop local infection and other complication.Patient satisfaction score ranged between19-30 with mean value of 25.19 ± 4.06. Most of our patient’s satisfaction were excellent and good. Conclusion: Cartilage excision procedure was effective in creation of the antihelix in prominent ear correction. The procedure was followed by minimal post-operative complications, good aesthetic outcomes and high patient satisfaction.


antihelix, Cartilage excision, prominent ear

Subject Area

Plastic surgery
